1-877 HE OR SHE Cell: 1-313 574 7500

1-877 HE OR SHE Cell: 1-313 574 7500
We are proud to be the original discoverers of a new biological & logical way to conceive a boy or girl. It is based on our amazing discovery that women have alternating boy-girl conceiving menstrual cycles. Pregnancy in appropriate cycle gets you your dream baby: No drama about gender diet, kit or charts.
To get a boy, conceive in boy pha
We are proud to be the original discoverers of a new biological & logical way to conceive a boy or girl. It is based on our amazing discovery that women have alternating boy-girl conceiving menstrual cycles. Pregnancy in appropriate cycle gets you your dream baby: No drama about gender diet, kit or charts.
To get a boy, conceive in boy phase.
To get a girl conceive in girl phase.
This is called Gender Specific Conception for Family Balancing.
How does it work?
Suppose one is trying to conceive a boy. First of all, she needs to send us three mid-cycle urine samples collected from three consecutive menstrual cycles in three separate bottles. Suppose the first sample indicated boy phase, the second one will show a girl phase and the third sample must show a boy phase again because all women have alternating gender specific cycles. We will send conception plans to guide you in which cycle to try. If you conceive in appropriate cycle, you have a 98% chance of getting your dream baby. Since we will not be doing the gender determination test anymore, customers can go for other gender tests available in market. Our confidence is that the outcome will correct to the tune of 98%.
Recently, we reviewed our data and found that those who got two samples tested before pregnancy, were 94% successful in getting their dream baby. Those who got 3 or more samples tested, we got higher confidence in guiding a couple and in such cases we got 98% success rate.
The success rate of our program has risen slowly from about 80% in 2008 to currently around 98%, if 3 or more samples are studied before pregnancy.
The success rate of this program is three times higher than IVF / IUI. Please call to discuss.
Our patents: U.S. 9,057,720, 8,759,109, 10,018,625, 10996218 plus two European patents (EP2863220B1 , EP2619573B1).
Women have been grossly misguided by pregnancy related websites for many years cashing on their desperation. They still fool them by selling baseless products like gender diets / gender swaying kits for conceiving a boy or girl, acidic / alkaline douches 'helping' to adjust body or vaginal pH, drinking Rubitussin, remotely selling bogus
Women have been grossly misguided by pregnancy related websites for many years cashing on their desperation. They still fool them by selling baseless products like gender diets / gender swaying kits for conceiving a boy or girl, acidic / alkaline douches 'helping' to adjust body or vaginal pH, drinking Rubitussin, remotely selling bogus electronic calendars / charts, books, promoting misguiding information about ovulation, sexual timings / positions with lots of tips & tricks. Even a book seller claims 100% success rate in conceiving a boy or girl. Shame on them.
Probably the greatest damage was done by Dr. Shettles who promoted a role of light/heavy or fast/slow moving sperms in swaying for a baby of specific gender, Agreed that there is slight difference in weight of X and Y sperms, but that does not mean that slightly heavier sperm can be made to roll it to the ovum by assuming certain sexual positions. Sperms are not balls of steel that they will roll down due to gravity. What a poor biological knowledge this guy had. His theory have been debunked by National Institute of Health in following report: Still if women are stuck about Dr. Shettles, good luck.
They are actually causing gender disappointment in millions of women.
Couples must understand that the process of gender selection is genetically controlled and cannot be altered by eating, drinking or adjusting body pH. All those who are proposing to play around it, simply have no understanding of the complex female reproductive system. Our 42 years of experience in this industry shows that if any company sells you something to conceive a boy or girl without testing anything from you, that company is misguiding you and is a scam. This includes sites suggesting that there are charges on eggs and sperms. Selling just an imaginative idea is very easy and desperate women have been buying these. No one asks them as to how did they measure that charge remotely? There's a site which tells you when to conceive by asking the dates of last three menstrual cycles and date of births of your children. What a scam.
Still not convinced? Please click this and see:
These malpractices continued until now because there was no logical gender selection program available. Not anymore. It is time to close all those fraudulent shops.
We discovered, proven and established that women have alternating boy-girl specific menstrual cycles. One cycle is more favorable for conceiving a boy and the immediate next one for conceiving a girl. It's due to alternating ratios of male to female hormones released by ovaries in the reproductive tract. These hormones are chemo-attractan
We discovered, proven and established that women have alternating boy-girl specific menstrual cycles. One cycle is more favorable for conceiving a boy and the immediate next one for conceiving a girl. It's due to alternating ratios of male to female hormones released by ovaries in the reproductive tract. These hormones are chemo-attractants for sperms. Since 98% couples are getting their desired babies simply by conceiving in the proper cycle advised by us, we have a reason to believe that the gender selection is done by the uterus itself. Therefore, whereas man provides both X & Y chromosome bearing sperms which 'determine' the gender, the uterus preferentially 'selects' either X or Y, depending upon the kind of cycle she is in. Now one can conceive a girl or boy with greater confidence. It's no more a game of chance. The days of just keep trying are over. Pregnancies are occurring anyway, why not target the conception to get a balanced family? In fact, this is why we recommend this service for soon-to-be-brides. There's no need to get multiple babies of same gender first and then look around. Start planning your family from beginning.
To conceive a boy, try in a boy cycle.
To conceive a girl, try in a girl cycle.
We would like to sing it again.
To conceive a boy, try in a boy cycle.
To conceive a girl, try in a girl cycle.
Our PreGender Preconception Test guides you in which cycle to conceive & when to avoid. This has proven to be only effective way to balance a family.
This program is a blessing for couples who can conceive quickly. Those who have multiple babies of same gender, this is the only program available to successfully balance their families and we strongly believe that there's no other way.
Since women have alternating boy-girl specific menstrual cycles, some couples get easily conceived in one type of cycle only, leading to more boys or girls. The only one system in the world to break that gridlock is Dr. Verma's Alternating Phase method. This test will clearly guide you in which cycle to try and in which to avoid. THERE IS
Since women have alternating boy-girl specific menstrual cycles, some couples get easily conceived in one type of cycle only, leading to more boys or girls. The only one system in the world to break that gridlock is Dr. Verma's Alternating Phase method. This test will clearly guide you in which cycle to try and in which to avoid. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.
The best examples to support our view are birth of 15th girl in India (Times of India news) and birth of 14 boys in Rockford Michigan USA. These couples continued on their own just to want one baby of opposite gender. They tried all gimmicks & scams available on internet but nothing worked.
We present below three scenarios in form of graphs. Please click on each link below to understand what's going on and how can we help. (Actually, only we can help.)
A) The hormonal ratio in uterus in case of a balanced family: (If link does not work, please copy and paste in search bar)
B) The hormonal ratios in uterus in case where there are more boys:
C) The hormonal ratios in uterus in case where there are more girls:
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